Become a Brixton Green Trustee

Posted By on Jul 31, 2014 |

Brixton Green is looking for people to become elected trustees at our AGM on the 11th September. Anyone who lives or works in Brixton can put themselves forward and we are looking for people who are passionate about helping to make Somerleyton Road a better place.

What do you need to do?

If you are interested in being a trustee, you will need to send an email to Polly Walker at [email protected] with the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your address: This should be for where you work or live in the five wards of Brixton. We will ask you to provide proof of address at the AGM, either from a utility bill or a letter addressed to where you work. To see if you live or work in this area, have a look at a map of the area.
  • Your Brixton Green share number: Don’t worry if you don’t know this: if you’re a shareholder, we can find it for you. If you’re not a shareholder, you can sign you up to become one.
  • The names of your proposer and seconder: They will need to be Brixton Green shareholders. Don’t worry if you don’t know anyone to do this, we can find people to do this for you.
  • A short statement about why you’re interested and what you’d bring to Brixton Green’s board: This only needs to be 200 words long and we can help you do this if you’re unsure. It will be shared with all our shareholders, so they can decide who to elect to be our new trustees at our AGM.
  • A photo of yourself: We will put this on our website alongside your statement of interest and share it with people who vote by proxy prior to the AGM.

The deadline for applications is midnight on the 5th September.

What happens next?

Our shareholders will vote four people in as new trustees from September 11th 2014. We will send our shareholders an email or letter to let them know you have expressed an interest in becoming a trustee. We will share your statement and photo and ask them to vote, either at our AGM or by proxy online or in person during the day on the 11th September.

Everyone who’s expressed an interest in becoming a trustee will be required to attend our AGM. This will be held on 11th September at 7pm at 6 Somerleyton Road. We will ask you to tell our shareholders a bit about yourself and why you’re interested in becoming a trustee. We will also invite you attend an information session in the weeks prior to the AGM.

What do Brixton Green trustees do?

Brixton Green Trustees are responsible for making decisions about what Brixton Green does and ensuring these decisions are implemented. Trustees represent Brixton Green’s shareholders and the local community and always act in their interests.

As a trustee, you will be required to read board papers and attend monthly meetings held in Brixton. These last about two hours and are held on a weekday evening from 7pm. Many trustees also get involved in other activities, such as organising events, meeting with Lambeth Council, or engaging with our shareholders.

Who are Brixton Green’s trustees at the moment?

Our trustees are very diverse in background, experience and age. We all have a connection to Brixton or expertise in community development projects. Some have both. We all share a passion for making Somerleyton Road a better place for people living and working in Brixton. To find out more about our current trustees, have a look at who’s involved in Brixton Green.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about Brixton Green, the role or becoming a trustee, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Polly Walker on [email protected]